Arranging and Composing.

I have spent the past decade arranging for all varieties of ensemble. Jazz, classical, pop, musical theatre, and more. Scattered among this are a few snapshots of my scores. I offer freelance arranging, transcription and composition for all who are in need of those services. Click here for any inquiry with regards to arranging, copying, composing and transcription.

Film Scoring

I have several years of experience composing and arranging scores for film and television. You can listen to a few samples of my work below. The first two cues are from a short film entitled “People Watching People” directed by Harrison Witt, where I composed alongside Nolan .

People Watching People - Ending Cue

Skip to 25:59 to hear the closing ambient work for this piece.

Patrick’s Philosophy

Selected cue from Eli Beutel’s short film “Bad Faith”